


고속응집 및 다단 경사판 침전에 의한 오염물질 제거


Removal of Pollutants by High-rate Coagulation and Multi-stage Inclined Settler

최선경, 최창수, 방기웅, 이준호



In this study, a new equipment which is based on rapid coagulation and sedimentation method was developed and evaluated with its performance. Its equipment was named as HCIS(High-rate Coagulation & Inclined Settler), which was composed of coagulation, flocculation, and inclined settling, and was tested for the removal efficiency of pollutant and floc size.Results of experimental study on HCIS shows that it removes 86~96% of colloidal materials on an average. From the distribution of floc size of sample water, turbidity became from 10 to 20 times bigger than size of raw sample water after coagulation and those flocs settle well on the inclined settling tank. T-P and SS removal rate were slight higher than those of existing other equipments. It was concluded that HCIS was showed the pssibility to make use of the device treating nonpoint pollutant such as road storm runoff.


 I. 서론
 II. 연구 방법
  1. 장치의 구성
  2. 대상 원수
  3. 실험방법 및 분석
 III. 연구결과
  1. Kaolin을 이용한 처리실험
  2. 토사를 이용한 처리실험
  3. 도로 유출수의 처리 실험
  4. 유사 연구결과의 비교
 IV. 결론


  • 최선경 Sun-Kyoung Choi. 한밭대학교 토목ㆍ환경ㆍ도시공학부
  • 최창수 Chang-Su Shoi. 충북대학교 환경공학과
  • 방기웅 Ki-Woong Bang. 한밭대학교 토목ㆍ환경ㆍ도시공학부
  • 이준호 Jun-Ho Lee. 충주대학교 환경공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
  • 11998.Optimised lamella settling process for runoff water treatment .Water Environment & Technology.38(10)107-114
  • 2Particles, Metals, and Water Quality in Runoff from Large Urban Watershed네이버 원문 이동
  • 32006 "The URC Process Application for Pollution Load Reduction at the Shihwa Lake",4-9
  • 4Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies,2007,"ACTIFLOTM",www.veolia-waterst.com
  • 5Urban Stormwater Runoff Treatment by the RFS네이버 원문 이동
  • 6환경부,2005,주요 비점오염원에 대한 효과적인 관리방안
  • 7한국수자원공사(2007), 사연 대곡댐 수질개선대책기본계획 수립보고서

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