The purpose of this paper is to examine the literary works and achievement of a poet, Ryoo, Keun Jo who has been developing his own poetic world for a long time but has been ignored for several reasons in the literary world. He is a poet who has broaden his own poetic world
consistently and constructed it taking precautions against becoming stereotyped or falling into mannerism. In spite of the fact that he has been writing for long, to readers, his name is still unfamiliar because of his poetry based upon the category of lyric poetry.
Recognition of and introspection on the persistency and strongness put down roots in the soil of life are his poetic spirit and method which he pursues comparatively consistently from the early stage to the late stage. Such poetic spirit and method do not let his poetry be retrospective or reactionary when he deals with the past such as childhood and home as poetic object, and his poetry be skeptical or cynical when he deals with the present such as city and civilization as
poetic object. In other words, he inspires poetic tension into his poetry.
In this respect, the poetic world of Ryoo, Keun Jo is where he fight hard for the recovery of human nature.
2. 유년과 고향에 대한 기억과 성찰
3. 도시와 문명 비판을 통한 인간회복의 희구
4. 맺음말