

韓國語 學習者의 拒絶 話行 實現 樣相


A Study on Aspects of Refusal Speech Act of Learning Korean Language

한국어 학습자의 거절 화행 실현 양상




Brown & Levinson(1987) contend that conversation is ruled by theparticipants' desire to maintain each others face, and present politeness strategies which are universally applicable to all languages.
This paper aims to identify what linguistic devices Korean native speakers use and how they differ according to the social position of and the solidarity with the hearers in Korean refusals.
Foreigner Korean language studying own house refuse how and must request how, also it is not easy to know the appropriate cold region in situation that it talks how. The refusal anger line request or proposal of the counterpart, against the promise back is the great disaster act
which shows the intention of refusal. Generally against the intention or a demand of the counterpart when refusing to, the honor damage accompanied all.
This paper aims to identify what linguistic devices Korean native speakers use and how they differ according to the social position of and the solidarity with the hearers in Korean refusals.
This study aims at studying how sociocultural behaviors can solve conflicts through verbal actions called the speech act of refusal. The speech act of refusal is observed when there is a conflict between speakers in case they cannot make their intention or desire satisfied.
this study tried to categorize the methods to solve the conflicts based on two factors which need to be considered in such situations.
The speech act of refusal can be differently expressed depending on which of them is considered as a priority in the complicated situation.
Refusal expression the language act which does not respond in request or proposal of the counterpart is and doctor being understood which trade name for is not harmonious a possibility of getting up the misunderstand and the discord which are serious more there is. The
korean language teacher sleeps studying consequently and from the hazard which teaches a natural refusal expression confronts to the quality of refusal expression of the Korean language which is a studying voluntary mother tongue and a neck slogan and the price of land it is necessary.


1. 緖論
  1) 硏究 目的
  2) 硏究 對象 및 方法
  3) 先行 硏究
 2. 韓國語 學習者의 拒絶 話行 實現 樣相
  1) 理論的 背景
  2) 硏究 結果
 3. 結論


  • 曺京善 조경선. 경민대학 강사


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