In Korean syntax, the most important elements are not verbs/predicates but grammatical verbal endings. This means that argument structure is not sufficient to represent sentence pattern
information. Each ending has its own person structure(=personality) according to its position in the whole ending system. We can call this personality the first basic ‘inflectional person’.
Next, another person pattern is derived from the lexical meaning of verbs themselves. We can call this personality the second ‘verbal person’. Subjective verbs imply the 1st-2nd person, while descriptive verbs and action verbs imply 3rd person.
Finally, the concrete person is marked by pronouns and nouns. We can call this personaltiy the third ‘pronoun person’. Basically, pronouns and nouns are characterized as ‘3rd person’, which implies ‘1/3, 2/3, 3/3’ person.
Among the three person marking mechanisms, this paper focuses on the ‘inflectional person’. The subjunctive endings ‘-(neun)da, -(neu)nya, -ja, -(eu)ra, -(eu)ryeo’ are related to the 3rd person. The indicative endings ‘-ni?, -eo, -na?, -ji, -ge?’ are related to the 1st-2nd person. If
the two classes of endings repeat or concur, there are restrictions; indicative endings must be preceded by subjunctive endings, for example ‘덥다 더워’, ‘*더워 덥다’ and 1st-2nd person endings must be preceded by 3rd person endings, for example ‘잘 했군 잘 했어’, ‘*잘 했어 잘 했군’.
2. 한국어 어미와 인칭의 문제
1) 종결어미의 분류
2) 한국어의 인칭 문제
3) 논의 대상 및 목적
4) 관찰 자료
3. 분석 방법 및 결과
4. 한국어의 문장과 인칭구조
5. 맺음말: 일반 인칭론 구성의 필요성