

Japan's Closure of Embassies and Legations of Daehan Empire

일본의 대한제국외교공관 폐쇄


Japan's Closure of Embassies and Legations of Daehan Empire


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Case of Korean Embassies and Legations is a text which contains crucialinformation on Modern Diplomatic History of Korea to define the closure of Embassies and Legations of Daehan Empire.
This two-volume data containing 728 page texts starts with a lengthy petition suggesting the closure of Embassies and Legations in Daehan Empire, and consists of the instructions of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the reports and the petitions of Japanese local legations on the closure of the Korean legation to 9 nations, namely Qing, USA, UK, France, Germany, Japan, etc., and those related to the closure of consulates in Jibu in Qing, New York and San Fransisco in USA, London in UK, Paris in France, Hambourg in Germany, Brussels in Belgium, etc..
This data can be unilateral and fragmentary since it only includes the documents exchanged between Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and relevant legations abroad. However, it is firstly revealed that the closure of the embassies and legations of Daehan Empire by Japanese government had begun 1 year and 2 months earlier than the conclusion of Eulsa treaty.


1. 들어가며
 2. 을사조약 이전의 공관폐쇄작업
  1) 주한일본공사의 한국해외공관폐쇄 건의
  2) 일본인 경찰고문이 재외공관 폐쇄반대 상소파의궁중출입 막아
  3) 일본정부, 한국재외공관 폐쇄를 각국에 통보
 3. 주청공사관의 폐쇄
  1) 在淸공사의 소환
  2) 공사 소환 후의 공사관
  3) 공사관 소유권의 혼선
  4) 天津영사관부지의 증발
  5) 芝罘영사관의 폐쇄
 4. 주미공사관의 폐쇄
  1) 곤궁 속의 공사관
  2) 공사관의 소유권 논란
  3) 매각가격에 대한 이견
  4) 공사관의 매각
  5) 미국지역 영사관의 폐쇄
 5. 주영공사관의 폐쇄
 6. 주불공사관의 폐쇄
 7. 기타 유럽지역공사관의 폐쇄
 8. 맺음말


  • 홍인근 Hong, In-geun. 국제한국연구원 연구위원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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