


뇌성마비 아동과 일반 아동의 시지각과 지능의 상관성에 대한 기초 연구


The Preliminary Study on the Correlation Between Visual Perception and Intelligence Quotient of Children With andWithout Cerebral Palsy

이향숙, 구자영, 장기연, 박유미, 이성희

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Objective: To learn correlation and linear relation between Perceptual Quotient (PQ) and Intelligence Quotient (IQ) by evaluating visual perception and IQ of the children with cerebral palsy and normal children, to compare the difference of the subject groups, and to use it as the preliminary study on the correlation between the visual perception and the IQ.
Method: The assessment for the visual perception has been performed by Motor Free Visual Perception Test-revised (MVPT-R) twice and for the IQ by Leiter International Performance Scale (LIPS). Subjects have been 11 children with the cerebral palsy and 9 normal children, at the age of between 5 and 11.
Results: Regarding the scores of the MVPT-R and the IQ of LIPS, the normal children’s scores have been higher than the one with the cerebral palsy, with meaningful statistics. There has been very high correlation between mental age and perceptual age, the IQ and the PQ, and the IQ has increased as the PQ has increased. When it comes to linear regression, the cerebral palsy has fit 65.9% while the other with the normal children has fit just 34.2%.
Conclusions: There is a possibility of predicting the PQ and the IQ owing to the high correlation and the linear relation showed between the PQ and the IQ. There is a need for the activated study on the linear relation collecting the data about enough subjects through further research.


Ⅰ. 서 론
 Ⅱ. 연구 대상 및 방법
  1. 연구대상 및 기간
  2. 검사 도구
  3. 검사 방법
  4. 분석 방법
 Ⅲ. 연구 결과
  1. 대상자의 일반적 특성
  2. 뇌성마비 아동군과 일반 아동군의 MVPT-R 점수 비교
  3. MVPT-R 검사의 1차, 2차 점수 비교
  4. 각 항목별 통과율
  5. 뇌성마비 아동군과 일반 아동군에서의 LIPS 점수비교
  6. MVPT-R과 LIPS 점수와의 상관관계
  7. 지능지수와 지각지수 점수와의 단순회귀분석
 Ⅳ. 고 찰
 Ⅴ. 결 론


  • 이향숙 Lee, Hyang-Sook. 충남대학교병원 재활의학과 작업치료실
  • 구자영 Koo, Ja-Young. 충남대학교병원 재활의학과 작업치료실
  • 장기연 Chang, Ki-Yeon. 우송대학교 작업치료학과
  • 박유미 Park, Yu-Mi. 충남대학교병원 재활의학과 작업치료실
  • 이성희 Lee, Sung-Hee. 충남대학교병원 재활의학과 작업치료실


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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