


우리나라 小年犯 矯正敎育의 實態와 問題點


A Study of Correctional Education for Juvenile Delinquents in Korea

우리나라 소년범 교정교육의 실태와 문제점




Nowdays the prison is the only correctional for juvenile delinquents not to be the second offenders in Korea. Originally the correctional education aims to let criminals go back to the society as a decent citizen after correcting them and prevent them from comminitting crimes repeatedly. Being considered to increase the second offenders in juvenile delinquency, the purpose of this study is to investigate the actual condition and problems of juvenile correctional education in Korea and to find out the solution of problems. First of all, this study examines the actual condition of the juvenile delinquency in Korea. The number of juvenile crimes has been increased from 1985 to 1995. In 1997, the current education in correctinal institutions for juvenile delinquents is inferior to that of developed countries. On the basis of this investigation, improvement plans which will be fit for the circumstances in Korea are suggested. The conclusion of this study are summarized as follows 1. Correctional institutions will be improved to accommodate the proper number of convicts. 2. Correctional officers should be qualified proffessinals who can achieve the aim of correctional education successfully. 3. In order to cultivate he social adaptability of convicts, the expansion of open prison is needed. 4. It is neccessary to classify convicts by means of moderized and scientific methods. 5. Correctinal education consist of various practical courses on jobs, After complenting these vocatinal training, the convict can obtain certificates. 6. The government has to has to plan policies that the released convicts can get jobs for living. 7. Owing to keeping prisons sanitary, it is very helpful for convicts to have thebelief that they are not abandoned by the member of their society. 8. Convicts are given opportunities to participate religious activities by their free-will. If above improvement plans are sufficiently accomplished, correctinal education will obtain good results, It is also effective to minimize the repetition of offence by ex-convicts.


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