

탄소세 적용에 따른 공동주택 공사원가 및 운영에너지비용의 영향 분석


Estimation on the Carbon Tax Influence of the Construction Cost and the Running Energy Cost in the Apartment Building


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is searching for the reduction way of carbon tax in the life cycle of apartment building through the estimation on the carbon tax influence of the construction cost and the running energy cost in the apartment building. The Green House Gases(GHG) emission level of South Korea was 10th in the world at 2004. Therefore, Korea may should be into Annex-Ⅰlevel of UNFCCC at 2013 and Korean government has been prepared the regular of carbon tax that aim to GHG reduction. The reduction of GHG in the building industry is a task of great significance because the building industry has been consumed 30∼40% energy of all energy consumption. This paper used the unit CO2 emission data of the construction materials, the construction works, the running energies as well as the unit cost of the construction materials, the construction works, the running energies in the apartment building. In conclusion, if carbon tax will be levied 10,000~150,000(won/CO2Ton) in the korea, the construction cost will rise up
1.03~15.45%, the running energy cost will rise up 2.95~44.26%, and the life cycle cost will rise up 2.10~31.43% in 60 years building life cycle. The carbon tax of construction phase is unavoidable tax because all of the construction materials is necessary in the building, but the reduction of running energy carbon tax is passible because running energy conservation is passible. Therefore, the reduction ways of carbon tax in the life cycle of apartment building were the conservation of running energy and the change to the renewable energy system.


1. 서론
 1.1 연구의 배경
 1.2 연구의 목적
 1.3 연구의 방법
 1.4 연구의 범위
 1.5 선행연구
2. 해외 탄소세 현황 및 국내수준 추정
 2.1 해외 국가별 탄소세 부과현황
3. 공동주택 공사원가 및 운영에너지비용 탄소세 영향
 3.1 신축단계 공사원가 탄소세 영향
 3.2 운영단계 에너지비용 탄소세 영향
 3.3 공동주택 수명주기 연가 기준 탄소세 영향
4. 결론


  • 정근주 Jung, Gun-Joo. 정회원, 부경대학교 건축학부 전임강사, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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