A Study on the Influences of Medieval Gothic Architecture expressed in ornamental Expression of Modern Architecture
This study is about the influences of Medieval Gothic Architecture expressed in ornamental expression of Modern Architecture. Ornamental expression of Gothic Architecture can be divided into structural ornament and surface ornament. Structural ornament means that some of structural materials such as Rib Vault, Pointed Arch, and Flying buttress are expressed in ornamental aesthetic and as the results, they had developed as an ornament of vertical volume. Surface ornament can be found in aesthetic expression to be separated from structural objects such as numerous numbers of paintings, sculptures, relief, and patterns of stained glasses and structures of lights reflected through the stained glasses. All these affect on many parts of Modern Architecture. In the structural ornament of Art Nouveau, in the expression of indigenous tradition and structure of Catalonia, in engineering approach of Fuller, Nervi, and Peressutti, and also in many High-Tech Designs of Rogers, Piano, Foster, and Grimshow, structural aesthetic of
Gothic Architecture is being inherited. in addition, in natural ornament of surface to separated rom the structure at Glasgow's Modern Design and Austrian Secession, in the method of cenography by Venturi in late 20th century, and in Post-Modern Designs, the Medieval aesthetic of surface ornament is successfully being inherited.
1. 서론
2. 중세고딕건축의 장식
2.1. 논리적 구조체계에 의한 구조적 장식미
2.2 입면의 상징적 표면장식
3. 모더니즘 건축의 구조적 장식
3.1 철제선형 구조장식
3.2 구조미학으로서의 구조장식
3.3 테크놀로지의 구조장식
4. 파사드의 상징적 표면장식전통
4.1. 자연으로부터 유추된 표면장식의 전통
4.2. 배경화법에서 파사드의 상징적 장식화
5. 결론