

일제강점기 도청사 및 부청사의 양식적 특성


The Style of To and Pu Government Office Buildings in Korea under the Rule of Japanese Imperialism


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The exteriors of 10 To (a province like an administrative district in Korean under the rule of Japanese Imperialism) government office buildings were classified as simplified classical ones in 1920's and modern-like ones in 1930's. Each of 3 Pu (a city like an administrative district in the Korean under the rule of Japanese Imperialism) government office buildings in the latter half of 1920s had different exteriors while 9 Pu buildings in 1930's had similar exteriors with To buildings in 1930's. The planning and structure in 1930's were not quite different from those in 1920's. The buildings in 1920's had some appearance elements of classical architecture and slope roof tops while those in 1930's had not those elements but had flat slabs. But there were several common characters like posing entrances in the middle of the facades, imposing horizontal symmetry in the facades, and placing heavier materials on the lower part and lighter ones on the higher part. They were shown through the To and Pu 's buildings in 1920‘s and 1930’s, whose reason was that the buildings were not only followed the architectural fashion of that period but also represented the colonial power's ruling in the main cities in the Korean colonial period.


 1. 서론
 2. 도청사의 외관
  2.1 도청사의 신축
  2.2 1920년대 신축된 도청사의 외관
  2.3 1930년대 신축된 도청사의 외관
  2.4 1920~30년대 도청사의 외관, 평면, 구조
 3. 부청사의 외관
  3.1 부청사의 신축
  3.2 1920년대 후반 신축된 부청사의 외관
  3.3 1930년대 신축된 부청사의 외관
  3.4. 1920후반~30년대 부청사의 외관, 평면, 구조
 4. 도청사 및 부청사의 입면구성과 외벽마감재료
  4.1 입면의 수평분할, 수직분할, 마감재료
  4.2 전남도청사와 평양부청사의 전면중앙부 벽면 처리
  4.3 신의주부청사의 가로로 긴 창
  4.4 도·부청사 ‘양식’ 표현용어
 5. 결론


  • 김명선 Kim, Myung-Sun. 정회원, 선문대 건축학부 부교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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