A Study on Characteristics of the Catholic Cathedral Architecture in Busan from 1945 to 1962 - Focused on the Architectural Style and the Site Planning -
The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics of the catholic cathedral architecture in Busan. Especially, this study is focused on architectural style and the site planning of the catholic architecture effected by social and economic situation from 8.15 liberation to 1962. The catholic architecture style in Busan of this periods is separated in four type : the revival style,
eclecticism style, functional style and modern style. These styles was effected by the social-economic situation and growing attention of catholic in Korea.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적1)
1.2 연구의 방법 및 범위
2. 해방과 격동기의 상황과 한국 가톨릭의 건축의 특성
2.1 해방과 격동기의 가톨릭 성격
2.2 해방과 격동기의 가톨릭 건축의 특성
3. 해방과 격동기의 부산 가톨릭 성당건축의 성격
3.1 해방이후 부산의 사회․경제적 상황과 성당건축
3.2 1945년-1965년 부산 성당건축의 특성과 성격
4. 결론