

실과교과에서 협동교수법의 실천적 적용 방안 탐색


Search for Practical Application of Team Teaching in Practical Arts Education




Recognizing the importance of the teaching/learning method in accomplishing educational goals, theoretical review research was initiated on one of its facets, Team Teaching. Theoretically analyzed was the significance of the types of Team Teaching applicable to Practical Arts Education and Practical Arts Education Team Teaching application results empirical research data. Conclusions:First, the task selection learning method may be applied to complete Seventh Practical Arts Curriculum proposed selection activities.Second, the small group organized per level Team Teaching method may be applied to organize and manage courses that emphasize individual student ability levels.Also, the learning activities by material selection method, in which each student performs learning activities described in the materials of their own choice, may be applied.Third, the sequential differentiation per class Team Teaching method may be adopted, in which each class finishes each chapter of the practical course in a different order and sequence and learning activities are completed one after another sequentially.Finally, one may consider applying the tutor cooperation method, which simulates student competition/festivals, and the accommodating human resources assistant tutors method, via student parents and community members.It is considered that this research should be followed by critical verification of application of practical Arts Education Team Teaching methods, as presented in this research, and, moreover, field verification of those methods based on class application results.


  • 왕석순 Wang Seok-Soon. 전주대학교


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