



An introduction to the research on Mongolian language machine translation


那顺乌日图 王斯日古楞

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



We’ve passed through several phases and tried on different methods for the study of Mongolian
language (both as a source language and a target language) machine translation. As far as the
Chinese‐Mongolian MT research is concerned, we’ve implemented a rule‐based system and an
example‐based system as well. Statistics‐based method has been used in the implementation of
the Chinese‐Mongolian MT system lately. We also did research on English‐Mongolian, Mongolian‐Japanese, Japanese‐Mongolian and Mongolian‐Chinese MT, using rule‐based method and template‐based method. Mongolian language cannot only be a source language but a target language in a machine translation system, and according to this, we can divide the study on Mongolian language machine translation into two parts: X‐Mongolian MT and Mongolian‐X MT(Xstands for any natural language except for Mongolian language). Generally, we made much more research on X‐Mongolian MT than Mongolian‐X MT. Reviewing the history of the
research on Mongolian language machine translation will be very helpful for the researchers who are doing the similar studies of minority language machine translation.


 1. 机器翻译及其主要方法
 2. 蒙古语言机器翻译发展状况
 3. 汉蒙机器翻译研究
  3.1 基于规则的汉蒙机器翻译研究
  3.2 基于实例的汉蒙机器翻译研究
 4. 英蒙机器翻译研究
  4.1 基于规则的英蒙机器翻译研究
  4.2 基于模板的英蒙机器翻译研究


  • 那顺乌日图 王斯日古楞 Nasan‐urt Serguleng. 内蒙古大学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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