This paper having a purpose of research of multimedia service frequency allocation
effectively by telecommunication and broadcasting. It analyze frequency usage status by operators to allocate multimedia service frequency and define parameter to allocate frequency by
telecommunication and broadcasting, set up maximum transmission rate by operator service, finally, make optimize frequency bandwidth by calculated frequency value. Also assume that data
transmission rate(9.6K,10K,14.4K,144K,700K,2Mbps), simultaneous access rate(10%,15%,20%), line usage rate(20%,25%,30%), threshold frequency rate (0.7) and population density(subscriber) to optimize multimedia service. population density will define number of subscriber, rate of uplink and downlink will simulate based on Matlab by HSDPA. Consequently, throguh this research will show and allocate not 100 MHz but 50MHz bandwidth of each operator's usage frequency .
1. 서론
2. 국내주파수 사용현황
3. 이동통신에서의 주파수 소요량 산출
3.1 주파수 소요량 산출 절차
3.2 인구대비 주파수 소요량 산출
3.3 HSDPA 기술을 이용한 주파수 분배
4. 맺음말