

Chaotic‐Maps‐Based Hash Function and Its Application


카오틱맵 기반의 해쉬 함수와 그 응용

Yanzhang Pan, Minglu Jin, Junrong Gu

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A new hash algorithm with private key is proposed based on chaotic‐mapping, by reshaping
a piece‐wise linear chaotic mapping. This algorithm based on the cipher block chain mode
makes the iteration initial point as the private key, encrypts arbitrary length plaintext data to
128 bits hash value. The proposed algorithm encrypts multi‐bit at one time, which reduces the
chaotic iterating times and improves the encryption speed. Through theoretical analysis
and simulation results, the proposed hash function could satisfy the requirements of unidirectionality, initial value and key sensitivity, anti‐collision and real time, which could be applied to the identity authentication conveniently, safely and efficiently.


 1. Introduction
 2. Piece‐wise Linear Chaotic Mapping
 3. the Encryption Procedure of HashFunction
 4. Analysis on the Security and Efficiencyof the Proposed Algorithm
  4.1 Analysis on the Sensitivity of the Initial Value
  4.2 Analysis on Anti‐collision of the Proposed Algorithm
 5. Application of Hash Function in IdentityCertification
  5.1 Production and Distribution of the Private Key
  5.2 Security of the Session Key
 6. Conclusion


  • Yanzhang Pan 판얀장. School of Electronic and Information, Dalian University of Technology
  • Minglu Jin 진밍루. School of Electronic and Information, Dalian University of Technology
  • Junrong Gu 구준롱. School of Electronic and Information, Dalian University of Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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