

안음 중문 입력기 개발은 정음의 세계화 첫걸음


ANYIN, Ahnmatae ZhengYin Chinese Hanzi Input System, Is the First Step for Globalization of ZhengYin


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



AnYin is the abbreviation of Ahnmatae ZhengYin Chinese Hanzi Input System. It is very easy to
learn and the fastest Hanzi Input system in the world. It can input 200 to 400 Chinese characters
per minute. The reason for such a fast input system is due to the simultaneous input system of
ZhengYin (also known as Hangul), which is one of the writing system, GB 12052‐89, of minorities in China. It is used as the input medium. Unlike PinYin, ZhingYin alphabets could be typed
simultaneously to extract a syllabic Hanzi character, like creating a harmonious sound by
pushing several keys on a piano keyboard at once. It requires a fewer key strokes than any
other input system. Each character will have its own sound when it creates character on the
AnYin 3.0 has approximately 65,000 characters, which contains almost all modern Hanzi. As it
has standard pronunciations on each character as it is created on the monitor, it can be used as a good tool to teach Butongwha to the people who use different dialects, eliminate mass majority of illiterates in China and easily teach standard Chinese language to foreigners who want to learn
Chinese language.


 1. 머릿말
 2. 중국어 [안음] 입력기를 개발한 동기
 3. 중국에 차려진 안마태 연구소
 4. 도토리 키재기식 중국어 입력기
 5. 정음의 과학성을 입증한 안마태 정음 입력기
 6. 모양새 소리마디 글(Feature SyllabicCharacter)
 7. 정음으로 중국의 역사를 바꾼다.
 8. 한자의 병음법과 정음
 9. 맺는 말


  • 안마태 Matthew Y. Ahn. 미국 안마태연구소


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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