1. Current Status of Korean LanguageEducation in Southern California
1.1 Schools Operated by Korean Southern California Americans in
1.2 Public Schools
1.3 Non‐academic Organizations Language Education Promoting Korean
2. Issues and Proposals
2.1 Textbooks and other teaching materials
2.2 Teacher training
2.3 Expansion of Korean classes in public schools
2.4 Articulation between weekend schools schools and public
2.5 Assessment
3. Conclusion
1. Current Status of Korean LanguageEducation in Southern California
1.1 Schools Operated by Korean Southern California Americans in
1.2 Public Schools
1.3 Non‐academic Organizations Language Education Promoting Korean
2. Issues and Proposals
2.1 Textbooks and other teaching materials
2.2 Teacher training
2.3 Expansion of Korean classes in public schools
2.4 Articulation between weekend schools schools and public
2.5 Assessment
3. Conclusion
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