


인터넷주소의 발전방향과 제3세대 인터넷주소: 유비쿼터스시대를 위한 자국어 실명 인터넷주소를 중심으로


The Developmental Direction for Future Internet Address with its Background, its Process and Services


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



We are facing Paradigm Shift proceeding from computing‐centered Internet environment to human
‐centered and natural language‐centered ubiquitous computing age. Native Language Internet
Address(NLIA) has the appearance of a gigantic infrastructure which is necessary to establish the human‐centered and information‐oriented life environment by using Natural Language that is
naturally used in the human daily life as the actual name.
In this paper, I will investigate the developmental direction for future Internet address, deal with its background, its process and services. I will also discuss about Native Language Internet Address as the new concept Internet address and its influences on Internet Accessibility and Usability resolving and providing a solution method for information gap between the industrialized and under‐developed nations.
Moreover, I am going to suggest that Native Language Internet Address as one of the top core
task of national policies for reinforcement of its ability to meet ubiquitous computing age for their
citizens. Natural / Native Language Internet Address(NLIA) is providing the Internet address environment which Internet users can easily access to Internet information the users want by
using their native language, not Domain Name which is difficult to memorize which consists of
English and dot(.) extensions. The NLIA guarantees its strong points, that is, the uniqueness of the Internet address by output of constant uniformed results, regardless of users' Internet environment. Also, this guarantees compatibility with the existing domain system to maximum so that it can be used without modification or the need for change of an application, or installment of a new program.
Native Language Internet Address System policy has to be considered in three aspects:
These three factors ① the possibility for the world wide use from users' perspective ② making
real name into Internet address and ③ word and sentence of non‐hierarchic form but flat form are
main core items to success in taking a secure position as more user‐friendly Internet address
than the existing domain system. Meaning and Roles of Native Language Internet Address as Viewpoint of Korean Language and Korea : Making natural language into Internet address' has very important meaning in the aspects of language, culture, society, economy, race, nation, industry because it have grafted a language into IT technology.
The NLIA represents not only the progress in web address technology and increase in userfriendly service but it also represents significant meaning in nationalism and culture for each of the countries around the globe. Korean Internet address symbolizes just how significant their own language ties to their national heritage, culture, and history. Korean Internet address also will play a significant part in closing the language difference occurring between South and North Korea due to the division of one race into two countries. The NLIA has great strength points. This will provide the motive to increase Internet users in the world again like the after effects of domain
industry had made a new gigantic enterprise. It is natural that the native language Internet address will take a secure position as the human‐friendly Internet address necessary to IPv6 times and ubiquitous times. If the NLIA is activated, Internet users will be extended to all classes regardless of sex, age and status. And it is possible that Native Language Internet Address Project will be the most proper solution for the achievement because all people who know the native language address can easily access to Internet by NLIA.
If a nation accepts NLIA and uses it as a motive for development of the national future
industry, it will go into a situation where the foundation of Internet users is expanded while
the related industries will be developed and the national economic growth in geometric
progression. It is expected that in our social classes, the solution for informational gap and the realization of the Electronic Government will make a contribution in the formation of South and North Korea Community. Maybe we can solve the barrier of 50 years in Internet age with Hangul
as a medium because Internet address window is the input window for sharing 'Spirit of Korean'
with Hangul. Recently, Hangul Internet address has been used in places such as in Hawaii and Yanbian, China. Hangul Internet address has firmly played a role as the infrastructure to tie
Korean People with 'Hangul'. With the distribution of Native Language Internet Address into the global market in 21st century, we can assist in leading the global effort of ubiquitous computer generation.


 1. 들어가는 말
 2. 인터넷주소의 변천
  2.1 컴퓨터중심시대 인터넷주소
  2.2 도메인네임과 자국어인터넷주소
 3. 자연어 중심 시대의 인터넷주소
  3.1 유비쿼터스 시대를 위한 자연어 중심 자국어인터넷주소
  3.2 자국어인터넷주소의 특징과 문제점에 대한 대안
  3.3 자국어인터넷주소의 의의 및 확산 조건 (한글과한국의 관점에서)
 4. 인터넷주소산업의 의의를 통해 본 유관 산업구조분석
 5. 인터넷주소기술의 혁신과 국가역량 강화
 6. 자국어인터넷주소 확산 주역으로서의 넷피아
 7. 정리하면서


  • 이금룡 Keum Ryong Lee. 넷피아 닷컴 대표


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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