

계층적 관리 기술을 이용한 남‐북‐중국조선어 웹사전 구축 제안


Design of South‐North‐Chinese Korean Web Dictionary based on a multilingual access control method

최석재, 김동일

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It has been known that a technical terminology is periodically created. Some types of the words
are used with other competing candidates and after a certain period of time, they would either
vanish or survive. We have developed a Chinese‐Korean‐English terminology dictionary (LEI
dictionary) handling this dynamic and temporal features based on the multi‐level access control
method. In this paper, we propose a South‐North‐Chinese technical terminology dictionary adopting the previous method applied to the LEI dictionary.
Our approach would be suitable for the environment where suggesting and selecting activities for finding appropriate words are frequently required.


 1. 서론
 2. 한중영 웹사전의 소개
  2.1 LEI 컴퓨터 전자통신용어사전
  2.2 건축웹사전의 소개
 3. 두 웹사전의 특징
  3.1 Unicode의 사용
  3.2 분야별 검색
  3.3 사용자의 4단계 구분
  3.4 사용자정보 확인
 4. 남‐북‐중국조선어 웹사전의 제안
  4.1 남‐북‐중국조선어 웹사전의 의의
  4.2 웹사전의 기능
 5. 결론


  • 최석재 Seok Jae Choi. 연변대학 과학기술학원 컴퓨터전자통신학부 언어공학 연구소
  • 김동일 Dongil Kim. 연변대학 과학기술학원 컴퓨터전자통신학부 언어공학 연구소


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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