

남북간 IT의 공동발전을 위한 접근방안


Approach Scheme for the Collaborative Development of IT between Republic of Korea and North Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, the economic cooperation between Republic of Korea and North Korea is ready to
expand IT (Information Technology) field including the long‐term labor integrated trust processing
forms. The IT exchange between Republic of Korea and North Korea will be made in the near
future, then there is a lot of benefit to both copartners in the long‐term period: First, the IT of
Republic of Korea and North Korea will be achieved in the collaborative development;
Second, the homogeneity of a nation will bnd erecovered in the developing processes of IT
exchanges between Republic of Korea aNorth Korea; Third, the expenses for their unification
will be minimized to be in the natural occurring of the events and it will be effectively to minimize the contact‐expenses in the interexchanges between Republic of Korea and North
Korea. As the IT field is fundamentally one of national industrial projects, an important traction
may be filled in the role of propulsion for the cooperation between Republic of Korea and North
Korea over their all fields such as politics, economics, society, culture, technology, and so
In order to achieve the stable information of unified nation, it is necessary to get the homogeneous development of IT in Republic of Korea and North Korea. Their IT trends are
currently going to do individually develop upon both their own environments and policies. There
are appearing different development rates and trends in IT between Republic of Korea and
North Korea due to their different policies and environments completely. The results affect the
isomerism of IT terminology being essential to IT developments and their emotional life of the
informational basis has showing coherently big different things. If the unification of Republic of
Korea and North Korea would be made on the state of the non‐standardization and non‐unification
of IT and IT terminology cling to those results, the collaborate developments of the IT between
Republic of Korea and North Korea may be not expected and the internal struggling and economic
confusion occurring due to their results may be concurrently come and appeared.
The serious problems of emotional isomerism for the people's language (Korean, IT terminology, etc.) and culture in Republic of Korea and North Korea have been made due to
their un‐unified state as long as a half‐century. As all we do achieve rapidly the standardization of
language including IT terminology in a short period, our unified nation in Korean peninsula
should be a proud and central economic country around the east‐northern Asia countries in the 21
IT century era on this world.


 1. 서론
 2. 남·북간 IT 및 IT용어의 실태
  2.1 한국의 IT 현황
  2.2 조선의 IT 현황
  2.3 남·북 IT용어의 이질화 실태
 3. 남·북 IT용어의 한글 표준화의 당위성
  3.1 남·북 IT용어의 한글 표준화의 필요성
  3.2 IT용어의 남‧북 표준화 관련 국내‧외 환경 및 동향
  3.3 IT용어의 한글 표준화에 관한 국내의 연구 현황
  3.4 가장 최근의 IT용어의 표준화 관련 연구
 4. 남·북간 IT정보 공유 및 기술협력 방안
  4.1 조선의 IT 환경
  4.2 남·북간 IT의 공동 발전을 위한 상호 협력방안
 5. 결론


  • 김현숙 Hyun Sook Kim. 신성대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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