

남북 한글폰트의 글꼴용어와 조형성에 대한 비교고찰


A comparative study on the terms and the moldings of shapes of letters of the Hangeul fonts in South and North Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to compare the terms and the moldings of shapes of letters used in the Hangeul
fonts developed by both South and North Korea. To this end, first, this examines the basic
theories on the shapes and the fonts of Hangeul letters. Secondly, it compares to examine the
terms of shapes of letters used in the Hangeul fonts developed by both South and North Korea.
Thirdly, it analyses and compares the moldings of the shapes of letters of the Hangeul fonts
developed by South and North Korea. It turns out that the relationship of the terms of the shapes of letters and their references does not agree between South and North Korea, which may cause unhandiness in their cooperative development or in their use. Thus, the uniformity is necessary in the names and the molding of the shapes of letters between South and North Korea.


 1. 머리말
 2. 한글서체와 폰트에 대한 기본 이론
  2.1 한글서체 명칭 및 분류 기준
  2.2 한글 글자체 용어 순화안
  2.3 남북측 한글 출판서체의 개발실태
 3. 남북측 한글폰트의 글꼴 용어 비교
  3.1 남북측 한글 폰트서체의 문자구조
  3.2 남북측 한글폰트 서체 용어 및 글꼴 비교
 4. 남북 우리글 폰트의 서체적 조형성 비교
  4.1 남북측의 글꼴 견본문구의 조형성 요소 및 대상
  4.2남북측의 글꼴 기본문자의 조형성 비교
  4.3 남북측의 글꼴 문구 조형성 비교
  4.4 남북한의 글꼴 문장 조형성 비교
 5. 맺음말
  5.1 요약
  5.2 제언


  • 박병천 Byoung Chun Park. 경인교육대학교 미술교육과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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