This article deals with some prehistoric paintings as evidences of the origin today. Prehistoric paintings are all at the same time symbolic, imaginary and semiotic. I tried to analyse them with the following three semiogènes: pictogramme, ideogramme and psychogramme. Homo sapiens has made the paintings. To show what? To show their world, universe. How? With their world vision through the visual images. We should not judge the Homo Sapiens with our perception of the world today(If not, we will fall into the anachronic fallacy). Their language, the image, is in a broader meaning of the word their écritures, concrete and abstract simultaneously. They
thought and painted with their écritures, images. They are at the same time the artists and the artisans, the proto-types of artist, or simply the artists themselves. I would rather call them Homo Imagicus.
2. 호모 사피엔스, 이미지 제작의 주인공
3. 이미지의 주제적 통일성 : ‘에크리튀르’의 시원
4. 선사 이미지의 불변적 요소: 불멸성
1) 회화 문자 (pictogrammes)
2) 표의 문자
3) 심리문자
- 1Aux Origines de l'art, Paris, Fayard, 2003.
- 2Préhistoire de l'art occidental, Paris, Citadelle & Mazenond, 1961.
- 3Le geste et la parole, Paris, Albin Michel, 1964.
- 4The Art of Prehistoric Man in Western Europe, Thames and Hudson, London, 1968.
- 5"Les animaux et les signes", in : Lascaux inconnu, edité par Arlette Leroi-Gourhan, Jacques Allain, Editions du CNRS, 1979.
- 6Les origines de l’homme, Paris, Editions Tallandier, 2005.
- 7La Préhistoire, Paris, Gallimard, 2006.