

A Critical Discourse Analysis of Transitivity in the On-line News Reports on the Postwar Situation in Iraq


So-A Seo

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article explores how the conflicting ideological positions of two news media are reflected in their different perceptions of the postwar situation in Iraq and become encoded in discursive transitivity patterns. The major aim of the article is to practically demonstrate such differences in transitivity choices and practices of the ideological representations between the news reports about Iraq of those media in terms of a critically comparative discourse analysis. The target data
were collected from the on-line news reports posted on the respective web sites of the two networks: the Fox News Channel in the U.S. (foxnews.com) and the English-language version of Al-Jazeera in Qatar (english.aljazeera.net). This study adopts an interdisciplinary theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis for news representations of ideology by integrating Hallidayan systemic functional linguistics and representative studies from critical discourse scholars. In particular, the transitivity choices and its cognitive and discursive strategies
represented in the micro-level news texts are qualitatively and quantitatively examined by focusing on the three representational process and participant types: Material, Relational, and Verbal processes. As a result, this study seeks to verify the idea that the ideological differences between the news networks result in the different choices and practices of transitivity in news reports on postwar Iraq in reality. Simultaneously, it is demonstrated that this is in keeping with the line that separates the concepts of Self and Other, as those are construed according to each
network's socio-cultural identity and ideology.


 1. Introduction
 2. Theoretical Backgrounds of the Study
  2.1 Critical Discourse Analysis
  2.2 Systemic Functional Grammar
 3. Data and Socio-political Backgrounds of Iraq
 4. Material Processes
  4.1 Rearranging the Central and Prominent Positions
  4.2 Backgrounding and Mystifying the Agency andResponsibility
 5. Relational Processes
  5.1 Identifying Iraq as Relevant for Civil War
  5.2 Linking Iraqi Violence to That of Others
 6. Verbal Processes
 7. Conclusion


  • So-A Seo Yonsei University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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