

추리소설에 나타난 고딕소설의 전통: 소재와 배경을 중심으로


The Gothic Novel’s Conventions in Detective Stories: Conventions and Setting


미국소설학회 미국소설 제12권 2호 2005.12 pp.96-110
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The word “gothic” is hard to define because after the genre's popular from 1764 to 1820s, the form of the gothic novel became indistinct and diverse mixed with other genres to the extent that it lost its own characteristic form. Gothic novels begins in the late 18th century, with Horace Walpole’s Castle of Otlanto-A Gothic Story. Most of gothic novels have their time setting from the 17th century, and their gloomy old castles and dark underground passages in their setting to make a sense of fear and tension, and the social milieu of the 18th century influences the formation of the gothic novels. The gothic novel is considered to be too lascivious and emotional by critics, and the readers see it as commercialized inferior literature. So the gothic novel
becomes an infamous and an inferior genre in literature, and it influences the mystery novel to grow in some ways as a replacement for the gothic novel.
Before coming out of detective stories in 19th century, the most famous genre of the novel was “the Tales of Terror.” But through their change and development, recent gothic novels are now studying as the motivations of their beginning of the detective stories. Detective stories started by Poe has shorter history rather than other genre, but it had many opportunities to change. Although it has been only 160 years since it was appeared and devloped, it was not easy to endure under the circumstance in which it was despised and admitted as low ranking literature. How it heading towered turning point.




  • 윤미화 Mi-hwa Yoon


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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