

파편화, 미니멀리즘, 불확정성: 바셀미의 「풍선」과 「아버지 우시는 모습」을 중심으로


Fragmentation, Minimalism, Indeterminacy: Donald Barthelme’s “The Balloon” and “Views of My Father Weeping”


미국소설학회 미국소설 제12권 1호 2005.06 pp.197-214
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper investigates the important stories of Donald Barthelme: “The Balloon” and “Views of My Father Weeping.” Barthelme’s aforementioned works, which consist of a series of fragmentary little episodes, deal with the splintered world which is characteristic of postmodern image.
In “The Balloon,” the balloon image is used as a device by which to inquire into the nature of indeterminate reality. The balloon ‘hanging there’ eludes fixed meanings, exists inviolate and indefinable, and retains its provisional play in the realm of liberal imagination. In “Robert Kennedy Saved from Drowning,” the reader is allowed to get the information about its central character named K. but never possesses a clear picture of his identity. Like the balloon, K. proves to be illusive, undefinable, and even indeterminate.
This epistemological and ontological indeterminacy is much more evident in “Views of My Father Weeping.” Not surprisingly, the story’s narrator finds it difficult to relate the bits of contradictory evidence he discovers. He is not even sure that he can identify his father.
Finally, the story ends with “Etc.” without arriving at any clear picture of his father’s death. All these works demonstrate a characteristic postmodern way of perceiving reality, a perception which amplifies provisional, temporal and eluding aspects of reality. Barthelme has developed the briefer stories with a recognition that his type of minimalism works only in revealing fragmented and indeterminate reality.




  • 구은혜 Koo, Eun-Hye


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
  • 1Barth, (1992) Thinking Man’s Minimalist, G. K. Hall & Co
  • 2Barthelme,Donald, (1993) Sixty Stories, Penguin Books
  • 3Donald Barthelme, (1992) Interview with Jerome Klinkowitz A Study of the Short Fiction,
  • 4Kim Herzinger, (1997) "After Joyce" Not-Knowing: The Essays and Interviews of Donald Barthelme, New York: Random House
  • 5-----", Not-knowing" Not-Knowing,
  • 6Herzinger, Kim, (1997) Not-Knowing: The Essays and Interviews of Donald Barthelme, Random House
  • 7Karl,Frederick R, (1983) .American Fictions 1940/1980:A Comprehensive History and Critical Evaluation, Harper & Row
  • 8Leitch, (1982) Donald Barthelme and the End of the End,
  • 9McCaffery, (1982) The Works of Robert Coover U of Pittsburgh P,
  • 10Patteson, (1992) Critical Essays on Donald Barthelme,
  • 11Roe,Barbara L, (1992) .Donald Barthelme:A Study of the Short Fiction, Twayne
  • 12Wilde, (1987) Horizons of Assent U of Pennsylvania P,

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