The purpose of this paper is to examine Beloved by Toni Morrison from the viewpoint of post-colonial writing. The Blacks’ resistance against the Whites’ oppression is connected with the life of ’acceptance of difference and coexistence’ for the Blacks and the Whites. The Blacks and the Whites are carrying out the messages of love and coexistence.
Through Clearing’s preaching Baby Suggs transfers the messages of love and coexistence toward the Blacks suffering from pressure. The preaching of Baby Suggs is the message of love and coexistence which finally makes the oppressed tolerate oppressors with generosity. She also suggests to Sethe forgiveness and love toward oppressors. The Ohio River is a space of bridgehead for love and coexistence linking oppressors and the oppressed as one. Even though Amy is a White, she overcomes the racial prejudice and carries out love to the Blacks suffering pain by helping Sethe in trouble. Amy’s acts to overcome the racial prejudice and give perfect love to the Blacks suffering from pain have something in common with Morrison’s philosophy of love and coexistence. The mutual cooperation (pushing and pulling) between Amy and 세쓰 in the course of Denver’s birth strongly suggests the possibility to overcome the racial discord
between the Blacks and the Whites and to realize the life of love and coexistence. Morrison emphasizes that there are some Whites who give love to the Blacks in pain.
The essential and prior task to construct unified America emancipated from separating between the Blacks and the Whites is to carry out the life of love and coexistence through reconciliation and forgiveness. As the legitimate members of the American society, all of the Blacks and the Whites should be the heroes/heroins of the coexisting life in which all the rights allowed to human beings are recognized and enjoyed. This is the message of ‘acceptance of difference and coexistence’ in Morrison’s Beloved.
II. 노예제도의 부정과 억압 구조의 해체
III. 차이의 수용과 공존의 구현
IV. 결론