

An overlay-based service architecture for distributed video surveillance system



In this paper, a service architecture based on overlay network was presented. The architecture was designed to build a novel distributed video surveillance system, called as Etouch.
In the model, the system is divided into three layers: underlying network layer (UNL) , overlay service network layer (OSNL) and application layer (AL). OSNL is composed of many intelligent overlay nodes mapped by underlying network layer. Overlay nodes provide all kinds of media service for surveillance application in AL. OSNL allows media service composition of distributed stream processing applications dynamically. And a load balance of QoS-aware service composition algorithm (LBQSC) is employed to satisfy their end-to-end QoS demands. Large-scale experimental results demonstrate the scalability, efficiency and performance of the E-touch system.


 1. Introduction
 2. Overview of Overlay Network
 3. System Model
  3.1 Service Components for Surveillance
  3.2 Three-Layers Service Architecture
  3.3 Service Graph
  3.4 Service Composition Path
  3.5 Load Balance of QoS-aware Service Composition Algorithm
 4. Performance Analysis
  4.1. Simulations Setup
  4.2. Simulation Results and Discussions
 5. System Application
 6. Conclusion
 7. References


  • Xuesong Cao School of Computer, Wuhan University,China
  • Zhaoping Wang, Ruimin Hu, Jun Chen National Engineering Research Center for Multimedia Software, Wuhan University, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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