

Algorithms for Composing Pervasive Applications



Pervasive computing environments enable the composition of applications from components allocated across different devices. The applications have to be composed at run- time, to cope with changes in context and resource availability in the environment. In addition, this functionality has to be automated in order to minimize user involvement in application management. We propose two new algorithms which are capable of dynamic allocation of application components to multiple networking devices. These algorithms optimize the selection of the networking evices and the structure of composite applications according to a given criteria, such as minimizing hardware requirements, maximizing the application QoS or other criteria specified by the user. The algorithms are based on generic models. This allows the approach to be used in multiple application domains. We analyze the performance of these algorithms in a simulated nvironment and suggest a system that utilizes our algorithms for pervasive application composition.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related work
  2.1. Frameworks for pervasive service composition
  2.2. Frameworks for application composition in task-based computing
  2.3. Application composition in dynamic component-based systems
 3. Modeling the Application Allocation Problem
  3.1. The Application Model
  3.2. Platform model
  3.3. Generic objective function
 4. Application allocation algorithms
  4.1. The solution representation and the three-phase validation schema
  4.2. The genetic allocation algorithm
  4.3. Evolutionary-based allocation algorithm
 5. Example Application Scenario
 6. Experiments
 7. Discussion and Future work
 8. Acknowledgements
 9. References


  • Oleg Davidyuk University of Oulu, Finland Department of Electrical and Information Engineering
  • István Selek University of Oulu, Finland Department of Process and Environmental Engineering
  • Jon Imanol Duran University of Basque Country, Spain School of Computer Engineering
  • Jukka Riekki University of Oulu, Finland Department of Electrical and Information Engineering


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