

Evaluation of Genetic Differentiation of Albizia lucida Populations from Eastern Region of the Indian Sub-continent by ISSR Markers



Level and distribution of genetic diversity in seven populations of Albizia lucida Benth. in eastern region of the Indian sub-continent were estimated using ISSR markers. Relatively higher level of genetic diversity within populations was observed in seven populations of A. lucida (mean of 0.38). From the result of AMOVA, majority of genetic diversity was allocated within populations (96.2%) resulting in a moderate degree of population differentiation. The observed distribution pattern of I-SSR variant among the populations was coincided with the typical pattern of long-lived woody tree species. Genetic relationships among the populations, reconstructed by UPGMA method, revealed two genetic groups. The population of Anugul and Bargarh turned
out to be the most closely related despite a distance location between them. These formations will be of great value in the development of conservation plans for species exhibiting high levels of genetic differentiation due to fragmentation, such as indication of conservation unit size, which populations should be chosen as priority in conservation plans and which samples should be introduced in areas with a low number of individuals of A. lucida.


 2. Materials and Methods
  2.1. Study sites and plant sampling
  2.2. PCR amplifications and electrophoresis
  2.3. Data analysis


  • Subhashree Aparajita Plant Biotechnology Division, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar-15 Orissa
  • G. R. Rout Plant Biotechnology Division, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar-15 Orissa


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