

New Strategy of Forest Tree Breeding for Society, Forest Science, and Forestry in Korea



Social and scientific changes, i.e., global warming, desertification, pollution, biodiversity, bioenergy, plant variety protection, biotechnology, timber demand, reforestation in North Korea, and etc., were reviewed for new strategy of forest tree breeding in Korea. Diversified breeding goals, globalization of breeding target species, multidisciplinary research approaches,
manpower networking, establishment of new administrative and research units in KFS and KFRI were proposed. Principles suggested for new tree breeding strategy are: 1) multi-disciplinary approach in settlement of objectives, breeding methods, and etc., 2) expansion of target trees including foreign species, 3) fulfillment of both domestic and international demands for forest
tree breeding, 4) establishment of breeding program well-grounded on genetic resources conservation, 5) acknowledgement of breeding products (i.e., variety, technique, gene, and etc.) as goods, and 6) provision of more research opportunities for young scientists. Lastly, ongoing tree breeding project in Indonesia and NTFP R&D Center at the College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University were introduced as examples of desirable breeding projects based on target species diversification, multidisciplinary approach, and manpower networking.


 UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention onClimate Change- http://unfccc.int/2860.php), KyotoProtocol and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
 CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity- http://www.cbd.int/default.shtml)
 UPOV (The International Union for the Protection ofNew Varieties of Plants- http://www.upov.int)
  National and global welfare
  Forest biotechnology
  Timber demand of Korea
  Reforestation of North Korea’s Forest
  Diversification of breeding goals- New paradigm
  Breeding procedure- Target species, methodology,and manpower
  Organizational considerations
  Basic principles for new tree breeding
  Seed Sources and Nursery Technology DevelopmentProject by KOICA, Korea Forest Service, and IndonesiaMinistry of Forestry
  Non-timber Forest Products R&D Center (NTFP) atthe College of Forest and Environmental Sciences,Kangwon National University


  • Yong-Eui Choi College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon Naitional University, Chuncheon, Korea 200-701
  • Chul-Woo Kim College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon Naitional University, Chuncheon, Korea 200-701
  • Jae-Seon Yi College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon Naitional University, Chuncheon, Korea 200-701


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