

1920년대 ‘여학생’의 사회적 표상 -잡지 『신여성』을 중심으로-



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study focuses on the formation of images and identities of "girl students" in 1920s. At that time, the girl students appeared as a social subject for the first time in the colonized Joseon and many discourses concerning "girl students" were also produced. I analyze the endowed images on the girl students through the magazine 『New Woman』which was a typical women's magazine in 1920s. The result was that the girl students were endowed with two contradictory images which are traditionally and habitually given to women. One is the image of "Maria" as a symbol of purity, and the other is that of "Eve" as a symbol of seduction. Those initial images
were fixed in the social identities of girl students through the interaction between the "wise mother and good wife" discourse and the school disciplines-especially dormitory rules- embodied in 1920s. That means that the relocation of gender had settled in early part of
the modern period in Korea.


Ⅰ. 들어가며
 Ⅱ. 상징-‘마리아’와 ‘이브’로서의 여학생
  1. 순결의 강박 : ‘마리아’로서의 여학생
  2. ‘모던’에 대한 두려움 : ‘이브’로서의 여학생
 Ⅲ. 제도와 담론 : 기숙사규율과현모양처주의 여성교육론
  1. 여학생과 규율
  2. 현모양처주의 교육담론
 Ⅳ. 나가며


  • 이희경 대진대학교 강사, 연구공간 [수유+너머] 연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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