After introduction of social studies education in korea, Its teaching methods are continually differentiated. Teaching methods of social studies have a internal or external relation to the identity of social studies education. The purpose of this study is to investigate the identity of social studies education and to present the construction process of teaching method internal to its identity and its cases.
The identity of social studies education is rooted in the concept of civil society consisted of social practices as form of life. And, Internal teaching methods are rooted in content of social studies education reflecting social practices. Therefore, Teaching methods have internal
relation to content of social studies education and changes according to the nature of social studies education content. The mastery of these teaching methods enhances student's understanding about content. These teaching methods are achieved through participation
and devotion to social practices and can make contribution to academic development of social studies education as a course of study.
Ⅱ. 사회과교육정체성의 근원과 층위
1. 교과교육정체성의 근원 : 사회적 실천
2. 사회과교육정체성의 구성
Ⅲ. 사회과교육내용과 교수학습방법의내재적 관계
1. 명제적 지식과 방법적 지식의 관계
2. 사회과교육내용과 교수방법의 내재적 관계
Ⅳ. 사회과교육내용에 내재적인 사회과교수학습방법의 구성
1. 내재적인 사회과교수학습방법의 구성과정
2. 내재적인 사회과교수학습방법의 구성사례
Ⅴ. 결론