

가야금을 활용한 초등학교 국악교육의 ‘시김새’ 지도방안 리틀엔젤스 예술단의 가야금병창지도안을 중심으로 _


Educational Proposal on 'Shikimsae ' of Primary National Classical Music with kayakum - Focused on the Instructional Plan of Kayakum Byngchang for the Little Angels -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Though the 7th Curriculum is placing an emphasis on Korean classical education in elementary school, it is presenting many problems in Korean classical music education.
Among other things, the biggest problem is teachers' lack of experiences with the instrumental parts of Korean musical instruments. For this reason, Korean classical music education is dependent on the instruction of singing folk music needed for the accompaniment of Janggo. Danso(short bamboo flute), the rhythm
instrument introduced in the primary textbook, difficult to play and impossible to make an easy mastery of the expression of 'Shikimsae' coming from the charms of our traditional music such as 'shaking sound, breaking sound', and the like. In contrast, it is thought that Kayakum is suitable to induce
students to have an understanding of and interest in traditional music because they can play it as soon as they come into contact with it.
It is thought that it is desirable to apply to schooling the part of Kayakum Byungchang of singing the ballad song, playing the Kayakum so that 'music-focused' edcuation may be achieve such as singing a song, playing the musical instrument and the like in the 7th Curriculum. Therefore, this study presented the
instructional plan of singing to Kayakum for the Little Angels Artistic Company that can be instructed to students in primary special activity for Korean classical music.


  1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
  2. 연구의 방법 및 범위
  1. 리틀엔젤스 예술단의 성격 및 공연활동
  2. 초등학교 국악 특별활동에서의 가야금 병창지도 방안 제시
 Ⅲ 결론


  • 홍주희 H o n g j o o h e e. 건국대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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