

시트콤에서의 유머효과 번역 전략


Humor loss in sitcom subtitling


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Subtitling of sitcoms is a special form of AV translation(AVT) in that humor effects are confirmed by background laughters from audience. Subtitlers are under a greater pressure to represent humor effects in their TTs when their audience also hear those same laughters. Humor effects in subtitling has been quite an elusive subject of study because there is hardly any objective way of measuring them whether on the part of ST viewers or TT viewers. For any one piece of humor to be successfully delivered, it usually goes through a three-way process: it has first to be identified by the translator who, then, decides whether to deliver it, and then finally, its TT has to be understood by the viewer. For the hard-earned humor effects to be any subject of TS, they should take some objective forms such as laughers or smiles on the viewer's face. This study explores translation strategies employed by subtitlers when they have no choice but to translate those ST utterances supposed to be humorous. The corpus is from five episodes of ‘Friends’ which have 898 utterances made by the six male and female actors during a 145-minute running time.


 I. 서론
 II. 선행 연구
 III. 연구 코퍼스와 번역전략 분석
  1. 연구 코퍼스
  2. 번역전략 분석
 IV. 결론과 논의


  • 장민호 Jang, Min Ho. 금강대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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