Onomatopoeia is a difficult constituent in translation because it has different characteristics which prevent source and target text readers from communicating each other. Most of target text readers are unable to have knowledge to understand connotations of the exotic onomatopoeia elements in the source text. Accordingly the translator has to be a mediator to bridge the gap in understanding onomatopoeic expressions and help the target text readers to share the equivalent connotations of them. The purpose of this paper is to examine the translation problems in translating Korean poetry texts into English ones by focusing on onomatopoeic expressions which appear in the translation process. This paper has shown that the poetic phrases of Korean related to onomatopoeic expressions are translated into those of English by various strategies, for example, paraphrase, substitution and omission which have active and diverse compensation mechanisms.
I. 서론
II. 연구의 이론적 배경
III. 한-영 시 번역 텍스트에서의 의성어ㆍ의태어 번역 전략
1. 설명적 어구를 사용한 풀어쓰기 전략
2. 등가적 의성어ㆍ의태어 표현으로의 대체 전략
3. 생략 전략
IV. 결론