

제2부 연구 논문

19세기 시조창 대중화에 대한 재론


A Rediscussion of the Popularization of Sijochang in the 19th Century


국문학회 국문학연구 제16호 2007.11 pp.187-213
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Many studies have claimed that sijochang spread to the lower classes to such an extent that it effectively became a popular genre in the 19th century, and this assertion is now generally accepted as fact. Considering that sijochang is not difficult to perform and can be performed without instrumental accompaniment, it is only natural that sijochang should spread. However, there is some doubt whether the ordinary folk in the 19th century enjoyed sijochang, which had been mainly enjoyed by the men of the upper classes and professional musicians in the 18th century. The arguments concerning the popularization of sijochang in the 19th century hitherto have depended on the existence of the anthology Namhuntaepyeongga, which was commercially woodblock printed in 1863. Many scholars have regarded Namhuntaepyeongga as a collection of sijochang lyrics and presented it asevidence of the popularization of sijochang in the 19th century. However, it is not clear whether Namhuntaepyeongga is a collection of sijochang lyrics intended for singing. There is the possibility that the main purpose of Namhuntaepyeongga was to offer an anthology for reading rather than for singing. This paper reopens the discussion of whether or not sijochang became a popular genre in the 19th century, based on materials other than Namhuntaepyeongga, and then carefully examines the purpose for which Namhuntaepyeongga was published.


1. 서론
 2. 19세기의 시조창 향유기회와 향유층
 3. 『남훈태평가』의 간행목적과 수용층
 4. 결론


  • 이유진 Yi, Yu-Jin. 서울대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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