

제1부 기획 논문 - 한국고전문학에서의 주체와 타자(II)

문학 감상에서의 주체오 타자 -<혼쥐> 설화의 문학치료학적 감상과 교육적 가치 -


A Study on "Soul-mouse story" in the respect of Literatherapy and Educational Application


국문학회 국문학연구 제16호 2007.11 pp.104-130
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research is to analyze "Soul-mouse story" in terms of literature therapy and apply them into the field of education. Where the literature classes are held is the field where student’s narrative, literary narrative and teacher’s narrative interact. Therefore, it is a big mistake that literature education has been focused on examining the literature itself or on simply implanting educators’ viewpoints and philosophy to the students. The ultimate goal of literature education should be to enrich students’ sentiments and their lives through literary works. In order to achieve this goal, educators’ sentiment should be healthy. This research is to report examples of literature therapy attempted with the medium of folktales to enable students, who desire to teach Korean literature, to acquire sound self-narrative. As the result of this study, all students who participated in the literature therapy have admitted that their trauma was cured to a great extent and they got encouraged to realize their merits. In conclusion, this research proved that "Soul-mouse story" was very effective for them to be well-qualified teachers.


1. 문제의 발견
 2. 문제 해결을 위한 시도 -문학치료 기법을 도입한 '설화 읽기' 수업
 3. <혼쥐> 설화의 문학치료학적 해석과 교육적 가치
  3.1. 문제의 '외재화 (표출대화)' 기법
  3.2. <혼쥐> 설화에 대한 치료사의 문학치료학적 해석
 4. <혼쥐> 설화의 문학치료학적 읽기와 교육적 효과
 5. 마무리


  • 이인경 Lee, In-Gyung. 인제대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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