

제1부 기획 논문 - 한국고전문학에서의 주체와 타자(II)

주체와 타자의 시각에서 바라본 여성영웅소설


Heroine Novels on the viewpoint og the Subject and the Others


국문학회 국문학연구 제16호 2007.11 pp.31-57
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Heroine Novels have been evaluated reciprocally. There are opinions that these novels show strong consciousness of women because heroines achieve social success against men and deny the role of women under the men's control. On the other hand, some insist Heroine Novels still expose the ideology of Confucian Patriarchy. This paper examines these problems on the viewpoint of the Subject and the Others. In these novels, heroines who struggle with discord between sex and gender establish subjectivity through they deny women's role and dress up as a man. In this case they contribute to show women's capacity and confirm equality between men and women. These novels deserve attention in that point considering circumstances of the late period of Joseon Dynasty which tighten control of women. However these novels have limits not to accomplish subjectivity of general women because heroines can not perceive the trobles as general problems of whole women and they try to overcome personally and neglect somebody to achieve their success. As a result, Heroine Novels have significance in raising attention to women's problems under the strong patriarchy, but at the same time they have limits that can not get thorough recognition of women's condition and proper solutions.


1. 서론
 2. 주제화 과정을 통해 본 여성영웅의 여성인식
  2.1. 여성영운의 성 정체성
  2.2. 여성영웅의 주체화 과정
 3. 주체화의 관점에서 바라본 여성영웅의 의의와 한계
 4. 결론


  • 이지하 Lee, Jee-Ha. 서울대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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