


일본의 공립학교선택제 운영에 관한 연구


A Study on Management of Public School Choice in the Japan

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study considered an example of the Japanese public school choice system management that resembled us and was going to get current events point to the Korean public school management.
The current events point that public school building choice system management of the articles gives us on a date to look conclusively seems to be next. Primarily, it is the small·must give back school option for the junior high school to a protector, and, in the high school, the school option of the protector is recognized a senior high school measuring level how by a system by carrying out support, but the small·study group decides school choice, and the junior high
school wants to do it;and the small. the small that there is comparatively distance nearby even if it is weakened as for the competitive power of the public school building in particular, and the education zone of the basic right of the protector was lost, and a junior high school says that it is a school of the study group outside like Japanese adjacency area choice system·when I give school optionfor a junior high school, the ripple effect for the public education will be big.
Second, we must increase autonomy in all schools, and a school escapes from control of a central bureaucrat and must accept the market autonomously. The course of study formation of the unit school·When compilation of the budget is given, I can develop the discriminatory educational program that can satisfy the personality of the student, and the competitive power between schools will be reinforced. Third, the education reporting system for the protector must be administered in effective and publishes a print medium of the advertisement use to introduce a school to at school and does school evaluation objectively in the specialized agencies and must show it to a protector. Recently Korean new government made many educational reform plans. One of them was school choice. Japanese experiences on school choice will give us some lessons


본 논문의 목적은 ‘일본의 공립학교선택제 운영’이 선진국의 교육개혁안으로 확고하게 자리잡고 있는 학교선택제 중 하나의 예가 된다는 관점에서 구체적인 운영사례를 고찰하여 한국의 공립학교 운영에 도움이 되는 시사점을 얻고자 하였다.
고찰의 결과, 일본의 학교선택제 운영은 첫째, 학부모와 아동에게 학교선택권을 부여함으로서 공립학교의 경쟁력을 강화하고, 특색있는 학교로 육성해가고 있다. 둘째, 공립학교의 자율성이 증대되었다. 학교가 중앙의 관료적 통제에서 벗어나 자율적으로 대처할 수밖에 없는 상황은 차별적인 교육프로그램개발을 촉진시켜 교육의 길을 향상시키고 있다. 셋째, 학교는 학부모와 아동의 선택의 대상이 됨으로서 학부모와 아동에 대한 책무성을 높이고, 선택받기 위해 보다 좋은 교육의 정보제공 방법을 모색하게 되었다. 그러나 학교선택제에 관한 찬반논란은 지금도 계속되고 있다.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 일본의 학교선택제의 개요
  1. 배경
  2. 학교선택제의 의의 및 제언
  3. 학교선택제의 유형
  4. 취학교의 변경 및 구역외취학의 절차
 Ⅲ. 일본의 학교선택제의 사례
  1. 자유선택제를 실시한 도쿄도시나가와구(東京都品川區)
  2. 블록선택제・인접구역선택제를 실시한 사이타마현가와구치시(埼玉縣川口市)
  3. 특정인정교제를 실시한 니이가타현나가오카시(新瀉縣長岡市)
  4. 특정지역선택제를 실시한 기후현오가키시(岐阜縣大垣市)
 Ⅳ. 일본에서의 학교선택제에 관한 찬반논의
  1. 규제완화 소위원회에서 논의
  2. 총리부의 공개토론
 Ⅴ. 일본 학교선택제가 우리에게 주는 시사점


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

    함께 이용한 논문

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