The purpose of this thesis is to analyse wh-questions in the framework of the Minimalist Program. The syntactic characteristics of wh-questions vary across languages.
In chapter 2, I briefly introduced Chomsky9s(1986) Barriers to analyse wh- questions in English.
In 2.2 Chomsky(l993)assumes that the overt wh-movement is to check off the strong [+wh] feature contained in the C for the interrogatives. It is due to the strong features which visible at PF, and these features are not legitimate objects at PF. Chomsky(l995) proposed that a strong feature must be eliminated immediately upon its introduction into the phrase
marker. According to this argument, formal features need to be checked and only the relevant features, not the categories, must be attracted to the attractor, and will be eliminated right after attraction provides the configuration where the checking can take place. Given the economy principle, this paper discusses a variety of constraint and conditions that
can be subsumed to Chomsky's Minimal Link Condition(l995) based on the local economy. In last chapter, I concluded that Minimality Prograrn(l995) was more economic than Barriers(l986)
1. 서론
2. 영어의 Wh-이동구문에 대한 분석
2.1 지배결속 이론의 분석
2.2 형태론적 자질 점검
2.3 자질 유인
3. Wh-이동과 경제성
3.1 경제성원리
3.2 최단이동
3.3 유인과 최소성
4. 결론