

中国 e教育市场现状及开发战略研究


A Study on the Present Situation of E-Learning Market in China and Development

중국 e교육시장현상급개발전략연구

朴光赫, 金春洙

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The e-learning market in China is tending to expand its scale continually with the increasing recognition of information and the increasing acknowledgment of e-learning in China. Chinese e-learning has developed a lot, but also contains problems such as the situation of infrastructure, unbalanced development of regions, and repeated investment of educational resources. It is vital to analyze the social environments of China as to the advance of e-learning to the market. Therefore the advance of e-learning to the market must be thought of as strategic work, and needs more understanding of Chinese culture and appropriate laws and regulations. There is necessity for applying techniques suitable to Chinese characteristics, and strengthening the collaboration and exchange between Chinese educational organizations and e-learning enterprises. It is expected that Korean e-learning will contribute a lot to the cooperation and mutual development of economy and culture in both Korea and China.




中国 e教育市场现状及开发战略研究
 I. 绪论
 II. 中国e教育市场现状
  1. 中国互联网现状简介
  2. 中国e教育现状及发展前景
 III. 中国e教育市场发展中存在问题和发展环境分析
  1. 中国e教育市场发展中存在问题
  2. 中国e教育市场环境分析
 IV. 中国e教育市场开发战略
  1. 应把开发中国e教育市场作为企业发展战略之一
  2. 要理解中国文化和把握相应的中国法律法规
  3. 要采用适合中国特点的开发技术
 V. 结论


  • 朴光赫 임광혁. 中国 延边大学 经济管理学院 信息管理与信息系统系 副教授
  • 金春洙 김춘수. 韩国 草堂大学校 数码经营学科 教授,


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
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