A Study on the Exterior Form Composition of Street Buildings considering Landscape Characteristics in Gyeongju
This study aims to examine the perceptual features of street buildings, which affect the urban scape, and establish design guidelines by types of buildings. According to this purpose, this study conducted document research, field survey through site visits and questionnaire survey for each subject. The field survey was carried out to study the exterior form characteristics of street buildings, and images of the streetscape in Gyeongju. For the questionnaire survey, the preference of 33 architecture-related people on the formal constituents of street buildings was investigated. The results of the document research, field survey and questionnaire survey were put together to elaborate the design guideline for urban street facade in historical city.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 내용 및 방법
2. 경주시 경관특성과 경관규제
2.1 경관의 개념
2.2 경주시 경관특성
2.3 경관규제관련 제도
3. 경주시 가로변 건축물 형태특성 분석
3.1 가로변 건축물
3.2 가로변 건축물의 형태구성요소
3.3 가로변 건축물 형태특성 분석
4. 형태선호조사를 통한 디자인가이드라인 제안
5. 결론