

두만강 북안 조선족 이수마을 주택평면의 변화


A Study on the Transition of House Plan in Lishu Settlement of Tumen Riverside

林金花, 徐昇賢, 金泰永

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



1) Lishu village is located in a riverside of an upper Tu-men river. Since an upper tream of Tu-men river is narrow and easy to pilot a boat, early in the past, it facilitated the form of the village near to the North Korea.
2) As for elevation, it consisted of only doors, but as time goes by, windows were made. So windows and doors were appearing much in the elevation. In 1970s', elevations are constructed in various ways; in 1980, attributed to brick housing, the elevations become much more diverse; from 1990, symmetrical elevation was revealed which consists of one door and two windows in each side of a door after 2000, the structure of the housing restored of 1930s' style which contained one window in Jungji and 1970s' style consisting of 3 windows, moreover, many free-style elevations appeared to be commercial use.


 1. 서론
 2. 마을의 입지 및 인문사항
  2.1 마을의 입지
  2.2 인문사항
 3. 이수마을의 공간구조 및 주호
 4. 주택평면의 변화
  4.1 주택평면의 유형
  4.2 주택평면의 시기별 변화
  4.3 기본형 평면의 변화
 5. 결론


  • 林金花 임금화. 정회원, 中國延邊大學校講師, 청주대 건축공학과, 공학박사
  • 徐昇賢 서승현. 정회원, 청주대학교 건축공학부 석사과정
  • 金泰永 김태영. 정회원, 청주대 건축공학부 건축학전공 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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