

농촌생활형 펜션의 입지환경에 관한 연구 - 금산지역을 중심으로 -


A Study on the Locational Condition of Rural Life Style Pensions - Focused on the Geumsan Area -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Geumsan is contiguous to Daejeon and population is decreasing every year. Consequently, the population influx, and securing source of revenue dimensional geographic and environmental benefits of the establishment of a pensions plan for the rural life style pensions research. The result is that Geumsan has a convenient traffic circumstance geographically and is a clean area as the high-level area of solid water system. Also, Geumsan forms the mountainous area whose sea-level elevation reaches to 2.5 times of the Chungcheongnam-do. Consequently, Geumsan has a suitable environment for locating many kinds of pensions like the riverside village style, the mountain village style and the villa style, the country style, the cafe style, experience style, theme style etc. So, Geumsan is found to be a suitable area to host 'rural life style' pensions,
because it has wide area, small population and nice environmental conditions.


 2. 금산군의 환경적 특성
  2.1 금산군의 자연환경
  2.2 금산군의 인문환경
 3. 펜션(pension)의 고찰과 금산의 입지환경
  3.1 펜션의 유래와 의미
  3.2 외국의 펜션사례
  3.3 펜션사업의 관련제도와 전망
  3.4 펜션의 종류와 금산의 입지환경
 4. 금산군의 읍ㆍ면별 입지환경과 펜션유형
  4.1 금산읍의 입지환경과 펜션유형
  4.2 금성면의 입지환경과 펜션유형
  4.3 제원면의 입지환경과 펜션유형
  4.4 부리면의 입지환경과 펜션유형
  4.5 진산면의 입지환경과 펜션유형
  4.6 남일면의 입지환경과 펜션유형
  4.7 남이면의 입지환경과 펜션유형
  4.8 군북면의 입지환경과 펜션유형
  4.9 복수면의 입지환경과 펜션유형
  4.10 추부면의 입지환경과 펜션유형
 5. 결론


  • 도용호 Do, Yong-Ho. 이사, 중부대학교 건축디자인학과 부교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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