The Conversion Matter of the Ownership System of Collective Farm in North Korea
The Reason to examine the historical development of former land ownership system is to determine whether it is possible to apply the system of South Korea to the North when reorganizing the system. Noting that North Korea is currently an agriculture based nation, unified Korea should work to improve the production of agriculture industry, and for this purpose an agrarian reform is needed. Furthermore, the Agrarian Reform Act of South Korea can be a
reference for establishing this purpose. This act of South Korea was enacted to improve the production of agriculture industry, but it would not be appropriate to apply this act to North Korea without any limitations because it was made to resolve unreasonable land ownership system and to distribute land dominated by a small number of landlords to tenants. Because North Korea
is operating the social land ownership, private ownership is denied and there is no need for the concept of landlord. As a result, there is no land to confiscate. For these reasons, the act of South Korea cannot be applied directly. However, it is still important to discuss this matter more
specifically for if only these limitations are eliminated, the problems found in the amendment of the Agrarian Reform Act can be applied to North Korea.
Ⅱ. 북한 협동농장 소유제도의 형성 과정
1. 협동농장 소유제도의 도입배경
2. 협동농장 소유제도의 확립과정
Ⅲ. 북한 협동농장의 변화와 소유제도의 전환문제
1. 북한 협동농장의 변화
2. 협동농장 소유제도의 전환문제
Ⅳ. 결론