Studies on English Language & Literature.
33.2(2007): 253-272. This paper deals with the design and implementation of web-based contents which is a focus on the unit for musculoskeletal system in the Medical English to health-related science majors. It is emphasized that Students are learn independently and improve their level of understanding what is taught by utilizing visual aids. Through their evaluation, it is possible that they know whether they will get learning objective or not. Web-based contents class is possible for various ranges of students to be able to encourage to take part in its operation and anagement or to exchange detail information and to present their opinions to each other. (Woosuk University)
Ⅱ. 연구의 배경
Ⅲ. 본 연구
3.1 컨텐츠 설계
3.2 설계의 방향
3.3 학습내용 선정
3.4 전체 구성도
3.5 메뉴 구성 내용
3.6 운영 환경 및 도메인 명
3.7 컨텐츠 구현
Ⅳ. 결론 및 시사점