211-230. The National Teacher’s Examination has steadily increased its influence on the curricula of Departments of English Education. This can be seen in the Examination’s inclusion of fewer and fewer questions on English literature, which in turn leads to fewer students enrolling in English literature classes, especially those in poetry. In the hope that this situation can be modified, this paper analyzes both the curricula of Departments of English Education and the Teacher’s Examination from 1997 to 2006. A survey of the curricula of 32 colleges showed an
approximately equal distribution of courses in English skills, pedagogy, linguistics, and literature. However, these subject areas were weighted in the Teacher’s Examination at a ratio of :30:20:15. The discrepancy between college course offerings and test subject matter could be minimized by including more inter-disciplinary questions. And professors of English poetry should endeavor to include in their courses more relevant poems, such as those dealing with current issues. (Jeonju University)
Key words: Teacher’s Examination, Curriculum, D
II. 임용고사 출제경향의 변화
III. 임용고사의 영시관련문제 분석
3.1 시대별 구분과 인지도 분석
3.2 시 전문의 게재유형과 난이도 분석
3.3 배점과 답안유형 분석
3.4 문제내용과 답안유형 분석
3.5 문제내용과 문제영역 분석
VI. 문제점 및 제언