

중세 영어 개음절에서의 모음 장음화 연구


A Study on Middle English Vowel Lengthening in Open Syllables


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Middle English lengthening in open syllables (hereafter refered to as ME OSL) is a sound change that affected non-high short vowels [a, e, o] in open syllables of disyllabic words early in the 13th century. This sound change took place somewhat earlier in North and North East Midland, where high vowels [i, u] were also involved. The ME OSL primarily has to do with vowels with primary stress, but secondarily those with subsidiary stress, too. There are some major current issues concerning the ME OSL. The aim of this paper is to gather all the available information relevant to these problems. In 2.1 and 2.3 an attempt will be made to clarify a final one ― what sounds the ME OSL produced. OE short tense [i], [u], [e], [o], and [æ] became ME lax [I], [U], [el], [ol ] and [a] around the 12th century, and in ME OSL, these short lax vowels lengthened to lax [I], [U], [el ], [ol], and [a], which were initially different in quality from the older long vowels [I], [U],
[e], [o] and [ε]. (Kunsan University)


I. 서론
 II. 개음절에서의 모음 장음화 현상
  2.1 개음절에서의 모음 장음화의 음과정(Phonetic Process)
  2.2 개음절에서의 모음 장음화의 원인 분석
  2.3 개음절에서의 모음 장음화를 받는 단어의 음운론적 분석
  2.4 개음절에서 모음 장음화의 예외적 현상에 대한 분석
 Ⅲ. 결론


  • 강신홍 Kang, Shin-hong. 군산대학교


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