

Tennyson’s Poetics of Sorrow in


Kang, Sang Deok

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This essay shows that anticipations of the “art for art’s sake” theory can be found in Tennyson’s poetry which is in line with the tenets of aestheticism, and to show that Tennyson’s lyricism is a “palace of art” in which his tragic emotions―sadness, sorrow, despair, and melancholic sensibility―were built into beauty.
It is my intention to give him a new significance in the history of literature by putting him in
the line of aesthetes. His poetry expresses subjective states of feeling, and serves an aesthetic
purpose. He accomplished this private purpose of poetry through the medium of a lyricism
which is characterized by sorrow and melancholy. I support my argument by examining two
poems “Mariana” in the 1830 volume and “The Palace of Art” in the 1832 volume. (Cheju
National University)


  • Kang, Sang Deok Cheju National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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