

재외 동포용 한국어 교재를 통한 문화교육 방법론 - 이미지 텍스트의 기호학적 접근을 중심으로 -



피인용수 : 1(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study analyzes possible ways of communicating our traditional culture to overseas Koreans by focusing on3 image texts for cultural education. In order to make this a reality, we need to avoid seeing images simply as objects for viewing and appreciation but to understand images as well as letters as texts that can be read and analyzed. Adopting a more concrete and effective concept of semiotics, this paper presents a case of a systematic method of education based on the cultural characteristics and values found in photographic texts which are made up in general of signs. Using the semiotic methodology to approach meanings of Korean culture embedded in image texts will provide instructors teaching Korean language and culture in Korean language schools or similar overseas organizations with a more practical and systematic method of instruction. It is hoped that second and third-generation overseas Koreans who are not familiar with the Korean language will have greater opportunities to indirectly experience and enhance their understanding of Korean culture.


1. 한국어 교재와 사진이미지
 2. 기호학적 분석의 방법론
  2.1 기호학과 이미지 분석
  2.2 이미지 분석을 위한 기호학적 기본 개념
 3. 교재 수록 사진을 통한 문화교육 방법론 실례
  3.1 한국어 교재의 사진 이미지 분석
  3.2 한국사 교재의 사진이미지 분석
  3.3 한국의 문화 교재의 사진이미지 분석
 4. 이미지 텍스트 분석을 통한 문화교육의 전망


  • 김기국 Kim, Gi Gook. 경희대학교


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